New to Airsoft?

Here is the best place to start
If you are looking at getting into airsoft or just want to get out of the house and have some fun, then P.A.C. is the club to start at. All you need to do is keep an eye on our event dates and find one that suits your schedule, register for the game and turn up to sling some BBs. But what if i have no gear you ask? Don't worry, we have your back with options to lend you all the stuff you need to get out on the field and participate. All we recommend is some good foot wear (ideally boots) and clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. It's not outlandishly expensive, $50 will get a 'day membership' and all you need for a full day of fun. This composes a field fee and the loan gear.
So now you have played a few games and think this is the sport for you? Awesome, now you can start looking at becoming a club member where you get access to cheaper field fees and discounts to help you get the equipment you need to get right into the sport. Club membership only costs $50 for the first year and $50 to renew it each year after that. And bonus... when you register for the first time you also get sweet P.A.C. club shirt and PVC velcro patch!
Now you have paid for membership, you are now officially a Probationary Member of the Palmerston North Airsoft Club..... "Wait what's a Probationary Member?" This means you have to prove your worth (approximately 3 games) and show that your a team player and obey the club rules. You are also restricted to 1.13Joules (CQB class) on the guns you use during this period (this is the same at most clubs). Once the committee is happy with you and think you will be a great addition to the club, then you will become a full paid member, this then unlocks you weapon restrictions except senior sniper role. You can also now play at other clubs games as a member of P.A.C. which will allow you access to their full limits as well.
Well done you're now free to spend some dosh on lots of airsoft goodies.

Airsoft is more than a game...
So what is ‘Airsoft’... such an odd name!!
The game started in Japan, and is now played all over the world and is a military simulation game similar to paintball, but much more realistic. Airsoft games can be played in, around buildings, and in outdoor areas, with game plays that are often based on defeating an opposing team or achieving an objective.
Instead of messy paintballs, the guns fire 6mm BB’s. The guns look very realistic, replicating their real life counterparts. Rates of fire can vary but some ‘Pew Pews’ (airsoft guns) can fire up to 40 rounds per second, while sniper guns fire slowly but with more accuracy. Being hit can sting a little depending on where you are hit, but causes no lasting pain.
Our games range from quick skirmish games to more complex tactical missions and longer MILSIM (Military Simulations) and themed events such as our 24 hour 'Faction Wars' series. Some events include vehicles and mission props which add a dynamic layer to the airsoft experience.

How big are we on safety?...
Your safety is of paramount important to us. Without question our RSO's (Range Safety Officers) and the broader membership want to ensure that your day with us will be enjoyable and safe.
We have SOP's for emergencies and there are registered first-aiders throughout the club who attend on club game days as well as a comprehensive first aid kit provided on site.
There is a very small associated risk of injuring yourself, as with any outdoor activity. Full training and safety briefings are given, but of course, common sense prevails at all times. The games are great fun, but never at the expense of safety.

Taking on challenges is part of the rush
P.A.C. operates under strict rules to guarantee a fun and safe experience for everyone. We’re not just about airsoft; we’re also about creating memories and relationships between players locally and across the country with other clubs.
Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned player P.A.C. being one of the oldest airsoft clubs in New Zealand are well versed in making your airsoft experience a great one. We cater to all levels of experience, from beginners looking for an introduction to the sport to long-standing regulars seeking the thrill of the game.
Airsoft is unique and an activity that will:
Increase your ability to make decisions when under pressure.
Present new challenges and improve teamwork skills and extract qualities that you never knew you had
Create new challenges and allow to work as part of a team.
Make new friends.
Improve your fitness without even realizing it.
Above all, it is great fun!

So how do I join P.A.C.?
So, you're keen as mustard to join P.A.C. and begin to learn more about the sport of airsoft and get your teeth stuck into some skirmish games, some of our more elaborate MILSIM events and themed games (like Christmas!), and of course getting to know our great club members! P.A.C. is renown as a really friendly club and our members love seeing new faces and helping out with all types of airsoft knowledge, tips and suggestions as you step into this dynamic sport.
Airsoft has developed a lot in the last half dozen years or so, especially in the tech and equipment that's available, and as a result we see players that may have left back in the early days of airsoft re-engage with the sport, and that happens a quite a bit. We also see plenty of former paintballers in our ranks!
The best thing you can do is email us at pnairsoft@.gmail.com and we can get the ball rolling by getting you registered with P.A.C. as a member. Once that's all sorted out, we can add you into the paid members chat in messenger... serious and not so serious! Don't forget you also get a free t-shirt and PVC club patch when you sign up!
Hit us up and we can get you on the field so you can sling some BB's!
No matter what type of game type is being run there is usually a role within a team to suit every kind of player!